+91-99820 00019
vikashjharwal19@gmail.comDentures are custom-made replacements for missing teeth and can be taken out and put back into your mouth. While dentures take some getting used to, and will never feel exactly the same as natural teeth, today’s dentures are natural looking and more comfortable than ever.
Full Denture When a person is missing all of the teeth in one or both jaws, a complete denture may be made. Upper Jaw (Maxillary) dentures are quite easy for most patients to wear. Lower jaw (Mandibular) dentures can be more of a challenge for a variety of reasons. In either jaw, Dental Implants may be added to help stabilize and make complete dentures more life-like.
Partial Denture : For patients who are missing less than all of their teeth in either jaw, a Partial denture may be the best solution. Partial dentures utilize the remaining natural teeth for support and retention. Partial dentures are “engineered” to be as comfortable, secure and life-like as possible, but they are removable appliances, and hence they are inferior to implants. Sometimes one or more teeth may need to have crowns made for them to aid in the fit of the partial denture.